How does the Legends Cards transaction work to Making Madden 21 Coins?

Game: Madden 21
Time: 2020-11-16 12:39:30
Views: 1755

In Madden 21, Legends Cards trading is a high-budget trading strategy through which you can earn but also lose a lot of MUT coins. You can buy Legends Cards at low prices to sell them later. Since Legends Cards are very expensive, some profitable transactions are enough to make a lot of profits. Ideally, you can combine Legends Cards trading with Madden 21 sniping and flipping.


Legends Cards Trading' High price sale Description
Duration' Medium 1-5 days
Knowledge' Low Learn about Legends Cards or trends
Work hard' High You often need to search for a long time
Budget' High Spend a lot of MUT coins
Risk' High The price is high, which may cause high losses
Profit High  


How does the Legends Cards transaction work to Making Madden 21 Coins?

To profit from Legends Cards trading, you must consider the 5% fee charged by EA Sports for each sale. This means that if you sell Legends Cards for 500,000 MUT 21 coins, you will lose 5% (25,000 coins) of EA. Therefore, you must purchase the player for less than 475,000 coins to make a profit.

You can only do this if you understand the market trends of Madden 21. The purchase price of Legends Cards is usually the lowest between Sunday and Tuesday. Many players sell their weekend league teams here, thanks to the Squad Battles reward program, which opens on Sunday evening or Monday morning, and more tickets flood the market.

The best selling price is between Thursday and Saturday. On Thursday afternoon, most players sold their rival divisions and MUT championship rewards and wanted to invest the MUT coins they obtained in the weekend league team's idols. Strong demand means that prices will continue to rise until noon on Saturday until the first players have completed 30-weekend league games.

Besides, Legends Cards are usually rarely available in the evening market. When you go to bed, offer your Legends Cards a price of 20% to 30% higher than the lowest immediate purchase price. You will be surprised how often the player is sold the next morning. If you want to earn a large amount of MUT tokens through Legends Cards trading for a long time, you must study the price history of Legends Cards on MUTHEAD and experience the price increase yourself.