Madden 21 General Defense and Tips for violations

Game: Madden 21
Time: 2020-11-12 13:35:18
Views: 2404

Madden 21 just received the November title update, which brings some massive new changes and some new login issues. Then yesterday's patch 1.16 fixed this problem. EA provides the next lineup of the Madden 21 franchise model changes at the end of the patch notes. These changes will arrive in mid-January according to EA's current schedule. These changes include a series of new commissioner controls and personnel logic improvements. Here EzMUT share Madden 21 General Defense and violations Tips for you!


Madden 21 General Defense and Tips for violations

General Defense tips

On the defensive end, it is essential to play with the correct amount. Blitzing won't let you go too far, but it also applies to continuous passive coverage that only involves safety. Instead, defensive calls should go with the flow: follow the situation (for example, descent, distance, and position on the court).

Keyword blinking: It is not recommended to blink blindly. Instead, try to hide the lightning. For example, flashing from the formation of two safety devices that were initially located at a lower position, or suddenly flashing from a lineup that has been called several times.

Uncertain formation? A reliable starting block suitable for different situations is less than two people, a combination of two deep safety and the first five players. It provides good aggressiveness without being too arrogant and can deal with various offenses.

Don't worry about QB-Spy: "Quarterback Spy" refers to a player who is responsible for the quarterback. The player always focuses on the quarterback and reacts accordingly. This is especially useful when you are dealing with a team that quarterbacks like to hold hands with. If the quarterback does not run but throws, then QB-Spy is another "free" under most Madden formation center backs.

The personnel's names on the scene: base means four defensive backs, nickel means five defensive backs, and Dime means six defensive backs. As a rule of thumb, you can remember that the number of defensive guards should correspond to the court's number of receivers. This is not universally correct, but it can serve as a useful guide.

General tips for violations
To react quickly in the game, you must know exactly which scripts you can find in the writings and where they are. As time goes by, you should also customize your hands to delete scripts you don't like and add other scripts. As Madden producer Sean Graddy also emphasized in the SPOX interview, the training time is still recommended to use hands so that you can learn your own choices without time pressure.

On Madden, the game's continued development is also worth it-it is less risky, especially for novices, the offense is less overwhelming. Before the spike, the "box" should be observed, that is, an area about five yards after the line. If the defender places more than seven players here, the running game is unlikely to succeed. Besides, you should always try to shift the effect of running to the side with too many people, such as tightening the end or blocking the guard.

Here, it would help if you tried different training styles to see the most suitable way of running. Some people find it easier to read the middle of the field and bet on the run's inner area, while others are more inclined to increase the ball speed to the outer possibility. Of course, you should not be too one-dimensional here.

Regarding running games, the choice of running is also critical. Is it an explosive back or a powerful back? Is he incredibly agile and can effectively avoid opponents?
Read, read, read! For starters, a big problem is reading after capture. If the first receiver is covered, or the coverage indicates that the pairing is incorrect, the gaze must drift to the second and third options. It takes some effort at the beginning because you think you don't have time, but this is a matter of practice. Just fix it on a receiver. Sooner or later, it will cause double coverage or sacks to pass. Usually earlier.

Even if (FIFA) instinctively suggested, it is unnecessary to press the sprint button from the beginning to the end of the capture. On the one hand, mobility is too important. On the other hand, players get tired too quickly during the game. Efficient and explosive use is much better.

In rugby, as in video games, it isn't easy to calculate, and it's essential. Throwing the ball from the so-called running formation or the four receivers' frame is worth it, especially when dealing with human opponents.